Everything You Need to Know About Enterprise Network Infrastructure

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As innovative ideas came to life, the business world moved at a faster pace. The technological advancements that emerged over the years paved the way for network infrastructures to become the backbone of businesses. Internet access became a necessity for business operations – and its absence became the source of unproductivity.

People all over the globe utilize different types of network infrastructures according to their needs. And according to certified fiber optic technicians, there are different types of networks that are commonly used by businesses nowadays.

Types of Networks:

Personal Area Network (PAN)

The PAN network is the smallest type of network out there in the open. It’s the most basic type of network infrastructure that’s commonly used in small offices or residences. This type of network enables individuals to communicate with another computer or mobile device within 10 meters or less. And usually, it is managed by a single person or an organization from one device. Shared data through Bluetooth connections is one of the results you can get with a personal area network in place.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Compared to LANs, WANs are more complex. And all that is because of the wide area network’s capability to connect devices even when they’re miles away from one another. Furthermore, this type of network is commonly used by businesses, schools, and government entities. This network has helped several organizations to increase their bandwidth and boost their productivity.

There are many ways organizations can build WAN. One way to do that is by laying down your business’ cables between two or more areas. Business owners can also make use of leased lines, but this choice can be really costly.

Local Area Network (LAN)

This type of network is one of the most prevalent network infrastructures found in different industries worldwide. With a local area network, devices within a building or a group of adjacent infrastructures are enabled to interconnect with one another. This network is commonly used by residences, schools, office buildings, etc. Moreover, LANs can also connect to a Wide Area Network (WAN) with the use of routers in order to transfer data faster and safer.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

Wireless local area networks function like LAN by using wireless network technologies. In other words, individuals that utilize WLAN can connect their devices to the network without the need for physical cables as long as Wi-Fi exists. This network is usually used in residences, universities, computer laboratories, campuses, enterprises and many more. Unlike other networks, the signal WLAN provides can’t be blocked by objects like trees and buildings. Moreover, its wireless transmission is also very flexible.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

Another type of network commonly used worldwide is the metropolitan area network. This network is used to interconnect devices in an area or region larger than a LAN can cover. Aside from that, MAN also allows users to share their internet connection with others. And by doing that, it enables multiple end-users to enjoy the same high-speed internet MAN provides.

Many organizations that utilize MAN today make use of accredited fiber optic technician-installed fiber optics in order to boost their networks. And according to experts, the business owners that did this to their metropolitan area networks enjoyed faster data transfers.

Campus Area Network (CAN)

This type of network is also known as corporate area network. CANs are networks that are bigger than LANs, but smaller than MANs. In fact, this type of network is made up of multiple interconnected LANs in a limited area. Schools, universities, and small businesses are few of the ones that utilize this network. With CAN, computers are connected to other devices by using both wired and wireless connections. And because of that, CAN helps industries to reduce wiring in different types of automotive applications.

Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)

The passive optical LAN or POLAN is an alternative to traditional switch-based Ethernet LANs. With this type of network, concerns about supporting a traditional Ethernet protocol and application were eliminated. Moreover, the use of passive optical local area networks has helped organizations to eliminate their need for wiring closets and additional cooling infrastructures. That said, POLAN’s assistance has aided companies to cut cost in terms of capital and operating cost.

Enterprise Private Network (EPN)

Network infrastructures like enterprise private networks or corporate networks are built and owned by businesses to interconnect with several company sites. With its help, people from different locations are able to share computer resources with ease. Aside from that, EPN also has the capability to reduce communication protocols, facilitating systems, and device interoperability within an organization. That said, this network has helped businesses to improve their internal and external data management.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

One of the networks prevalent in the business world nowadays is the virtual private network. With this network, end-users were given the chance to enjoy a safe and encrypted connection over another network that’s less secure like the internet. Moreover, VPN also helps businesses increase productivity with its capacity to give individuals access to information remotely. And on top of all that, VPN also aids businesses to enjoy increased bandwidth and reduced maintenance cost.

Storage-Area Network

Other than the ones mentioned above, another network that’s frequently used nowadays is the storage-area network. This network is a high-speed network that’s specialized in delivering block-level network access to storage. With its help, organizations are given the capability to connect storage devices to several servers. And it can do all that without even being reliant on LANs or WANs. Furthermore, storage-area networks also enable companies to acquire better disk utilization. With this, organizations are empowered to manage their data in a centralized storage network, making it more convenient at their end.

System-Area Network

System-area networks are often referred to as the relatively local network designed to give high-speed connections users. With this network, businesses are given the opportunity to enjoy the high-speed connection that server-to-server applications, storage area networks, and processor-to-processor applicants can provide. Furthermore, the devices that are connected on a system-area network are enabled to operate as a single system at very high speeds.

Acquiring the right network infrastructure is fundamental in every organization. Even simple tasks such as printing a document and downloading an email attachment are made possible by these networks. That said, it is important to determine what type of network you need for your business.

Perks of Having a Network Design Plan

Every network has its own strengths and weaknesses. And with the right network infrastructure, you can give your business the power boost that it needs. Now that you’re acquainted with the different types of network, it’s time that you should know about the benefits you get when you have a network design plan for your business.

In order to experience a successful network, you have to let experts plan out your business’ network design thoroughly. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach in this matter, here’s what you can enjoy with a well-designed network:

High-Level Network Performance

Without any doubt, businesses enjoy high-quality network performance when they acquire a well-designed network. And your network’s quality can be measured by the internet speed that your network delivers. One way you can assess that is by checking the computer’s application response time. There are many ways you can check your network’s performance, but one thing is for sure: The convenience that businesses experience would be at an optimal level with the right network design.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Image-1-Internet-Speed[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Increased Network Resiliency

Aside from high-level performance, resilience is also a mark of a well-designed network. It’s essential for business owners to make sure that their network gives a resilient platform for the device applications that it supports. Highly specified networks are made to induce zero downtime as much as possible, especially for crucial business operations. A well-made network design plan can certainly increase your network’s resiliency.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Image-2-Productivity[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

More Room for Business Growth

Scalable networks are from good network design plans. That’s why it’s important for business owners to see to it that their network designs can accommodate growth. Organizations that don’t leave room for their network infrastructure to grow are bound to spend on overhauling their current infrastructure. Avoid this unnecessary cost, by preparing for the business growth you’re going to experience in the future.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Image-3-Business-Growth[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


As mentioned, a well-designed network gives users high-level performance, increased resiliency, and more room for business growth. That said, it is as clear as day that a successful network can help organizations to become cost-effective. When business owners take the time to plan out their network design, they don’t just meet the required technical specifications, they can also make sure that their network design is within their budget.

A successful network won’t just optimize your business performance; it will also enhance your employees’ user experience. And regardless of your business’ size, a well-made network design plan is necessary to optimize your business operations. Acquire the right network infrastructure and tailor fit it according to your needs with the help of experts.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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